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Hotel Details
Sanya Golden Avenue Hotel
The Sanya Golden Avenue Hotel (Sanya Huangjindao Dajiudian) is located just 15-minutes by car from the airport, and offers luxurious accommodations, a 120-seat Chinese restaurant and a roof-top tea garden.
Address:79 Jiefangsi Road (Jiefangsi Lu) Sanya China
Distance from the airport ( Km ):
Distance from the railway station ( Km ):
Room Types & Rates (1USD=6.5CNY)
Room Type | Room Rate | Tax Included Rate | Average Nightly Tax Included Rate | Breakfast |
No room is available at this moment. Please make sure the check-in / check-out date on the left are correct. If you want to book the Sanya Golden Avenue Hotel , please send us your name, arrival / departure date, and preferred room type. Your enquiry will be processed within 30 minutes. |
Meeting Rooms
Hotel Dining
Chinese cuisine, Tea house, Room service
Fitness & Recreation
Chess/poker room
Hotel Amenities
Parking, Taxi calling service, Meeting facilities, Business center, Gift shop, Ticket office, Laundry service
Credit Cards Accepted